Sunday, January 29, 2012


Every year, I join the millions who make some sort of New Year's resolution to somehow make my life better in the coming year.  Sometimes I'm successful, and sometimes I stray.  This year I've made three resolutions.  The first is to run 12 races in 2012.  The second resolution is to "try" to buy only 2nd hand clothing (don't worry, undergarments are excluded in this resolution,) and the third is to learn to use chopsticks.
As January comes to an end, I am proud to say that I've completed race #1.  I ran a 5 mile course as part of the Frosty's Frozen 5 and 10 on January 18th, 2012.  I know it's cliche, but I can't tell you how empowering it was to cross that finish line.  All my life I've said what many say, "I am not a runner, I'm just not good at it and my body wasn't designed to run."  I've found if you say you can't, you are right, and if you say you can, you are right.  I've chosen to say not only "I can" but "I will"  My next race is another 5 miler on February 18th, the Snowman Stampede.  I am truly excited!

Resolution #2 I've already failed, but am going to redeem myself.  I bought a dress shirt the night before a photo shoot we had for my company website.  I ended up not wearing the shirt and am going to return it.  This is a good reminder to do that today.  This resolution is going to prove challenging.  I am not a shopper by nature, in fact, I despise shopping.  I have, however been losing weight and am going to Vegas on a girls weekend in March, so finding smaller clothes and smaller Vegas clothes will be on my list in the next month or so.  Stay tuned.
Resolution #3.  I LOVE sushi like most people LOVE bacon. I eat it at least once a week, and usually with a fork.  Real classy.  Notice I said "usually."  Last week, I used chopsticks successfully for an entire sushi roll.  Next week, I might tackle the salad as well.

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