Saturday, February 11, 2012

Staying Motivated

It's been about 5 weeks that I've been on Weight Watchers and on this journey to a healthier, more athletic me.  Its good.  The other day, I was feeling a bit discouraged and reached out to an inspiration.  (Those are the friends who I find most motivating and encouraging.  I keep them close at hand.) I told her, I feel so discouraged.  I have been doing great.  I've lost nearly 10 pounds, I ran a 5 mile race (5 miles, not just 5k!), I am in control and on track, but knowing that I have another 50-60 pounds to go is overwhelming and daunting.  I know this isn't a diet, I know I'll need to (and truth be told I want to) be doing this for the rest of my life, but 50 pounds, that's a huge hill!  She reminded it me that it's not about 50 pounds; it's about the next 5 or 10 pounds.  Whatever it is, my mini goal, the next step in the road.  She also sent me a website of a very inspirational woman who took this journey, needing to lose nearly triple the weight I need to and has been at her goal and maintaining.  Something in her blog stuck with me.  She said:
            "I think what was most helpful was living one day at a time. With 100+ pounds to go before I reached the finish line of weight loss, it was very easy to become discouraged when I looked at the big picture. I just tried to get through the day feeling my best and knowing that I just kicked Monday in the pants. Sometimes I thought, 'Oh my God, I can’t eat another egg white omelet for breakfast and not have a Reese’s McFlurry ever again.' But then I asked myself, 'Can you do it today, Andrea? Just today?' And I could. That question made each day manageable."

Sometimes, no matter what our hurdle or goal, we get into a rhythm and we forget that this (life) is only achieved one day at a time.  If anyone figures out a way to speed that up, you let me know 'cause I'll buy stock in whatever you're selling.

If you are interested in reading 'Andrea's' journey, her site is very inspirational and you can visit at

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